Cleaning Dura-Bright® Wheels

Step 1

Allow wheels to cool below 35° C. Remove nut covers.
Step 2

Rinse with water.
Step 3

Mix water with a mild detergent or use undiluted Dura-Bright® Wheel Wash.
Step 4

Clean the wheel with a soft brush.
Step 5

Rinse with water.

Before / after
Watch the video
Dura-Bright® Wheel Wash

LvL ONE® , Mirror Polished and Brushed wheels

Step 1

Rinse with warm water; preferably with a high pressure cleaner.
Step 2

Pour a quantity of ALclean into a bucket and dilute with 1, 2 or 3 parts of water.
Step 3

Recommended quantities:
- for difficult spots
- for medium pollution
- for regular use
- for frequent use
Step 4

Gently brush ALclean onto the wheel.
Step 5

Rinse with clean water. Repeat these steps if needed.
Step 6

Dry the wheel.
LvL ONE® and Mirror Polished Wheels
Step 7

Continue by applying a small amount of ALpolish.
Step 8

Spread it evenly over the wheel using a moist cloth and polish the wheel.

Repeat steps 7 and 8 section by section to prevent the polish from drying out.
Alcoa Wheels cleaning products

- Removes oxidation, disk brake dust, salt spray and general stains.
- Suitable for Brushed, LvL ONE® and Mirror Polished finishes.

- Restores shine of Mirror Polished and LvL ONE® finishes.
- Use after ALclean.

- Rubber edge to avoid damage of the wheel.
- 6 cm polyester plucked fibres.